Since the establishment of Navya Technology Pvt. Ltd., it has been actively working on the field of waste management and promoting 3R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse). We are proud to be a distributor of Home Biogas plant, commenced under Home Biogas company, Israel. Navya technology has installed this product inside and outside Kathmandu valley in close coordination with Municipalities, Government and Alternate Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC). The plant is tested and approved from the RETs, AEPC. Optimistically looking forward, this effort is the silver lining in the dark cloud. This initiative from Navya Technology will be the precursor to similar projects organized from different organization. It is environmental friendly based system design rooted in quality and affordability. It uses kitchen waste from household and converts into clean cooking gas and compost manure as by product. Apart from this, company has also conducted detailed feasibility study, case study and research works on large commercial biogas plant in different places of Nepal.
With the increasing population and unmanaged urbanization, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Nepal is also increasing. These solid wastes are collected and dumped with little concerned to environment. Such decomposition of waste causes emission of large amount of methane gas which is more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide as it traps heat radiation and displace oxygen.So, this has led to sanitary landfill space problem to every municipality. The increasing volume of solid waste and its appropriate management has been challenged to every municipality.
“Waste is not waste until we let it become”
From our recent survey and case study inside Kathmandu valley shows that among totalwaste collected from household, about 90% percent of waste can be money made and recycled. The perishable and imperishable waste can be separated in every kitchen before its collection. The perishable waste from different locations are collected and delivered to biogas plant where these are decomposed through anaerobic digestion, turning them into biogas. The gas can be utilized in different form of energy such as heat energy for cooking or electrical energy for lighting. Digestate, material remaining after the digestion process, can be used or sold as fertilizer. So, employing this technology, we can gain many benefits as like clean, renewable and reliable source of energy reducing dependence on fossil fuels; power can be used as a source of peak power that can be rapidly ramped up, lower cost and can be used in exactly the place they’re needed. It helps to improve rural life as it provides viable and sustainable alternative cooking over open fires.
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Buddhanagar, Kathmandu